Friday, March 20, 2009

Emeline got to put in a bean!!

Emeline picked up her dominos without being told and she got to put in a bean. We have kept a vase on the counter and whenever one of the kids makes a sacrifice (or does something good) they get to put in a bean. Emeline was thrilled to do this as you can see. She thinks putting a bean in is a REAL big deal!! This was a suggestion from our Lenten Adventure crew. We have many sacrifices to go before the beans turn into jelly beans on Easter! Hope you are having a blessed Lenten season.
Almighty, everlasting God, who have commanded us to love you perfectly: give me the grace and the help, I beseech you, to do what I cannot do without you. Reveal your love for me to my heart and draw me to yourself.
Today's suggested penance: Fast from television or some other amusement.

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