Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools!!

Sleeping on Daddy.
I pulled a little April Fools joke on the girls this morning. Under their cheerios I put some drops of food coloring and when it mixed with the milk... "aaahhhhh".

Emmy thought nothing of it. She was just hungry.
Happy April fools everyone!!


The Parenti Family said...

Good joke!! I told the kids this am that there was a HUGE storm and school was closed.. they didn't buy it. :)
I have to tell you Jenny, that sometimes I visit your blog in the am at work if a student is having a hard time after their parents leave.. this morning one little girl was so upset, I asked her if she wanted to hear a little baby cry, she I got margie's little video to play and it attracted a while group of preschoolers! One little girl said "she sounds like a coyote!!!" and it opened up this whole discussion on why babies cry (some bosted that THEY didn't cry when they were babies, thy just wiggled when they wanted a diaper change or to be fed.. ) yeah right! SO.. thanks to Margie Sue for saving me this morning!!!!
love to you all!!!
Jenny P.

And Then There Were Five said...

It is so wonderful to see your little lady!!! I can't wait to see her in person!!! :)


Jessie Mae said...

Very funny joke. We'll definitely have to try it with Elsie tomorrow even though it won't be April Fools!