The girls are very proud of their outdoor lights. Every time we drive up the driveway they unbuckle and crowd around the windshied so they can giggle and scream!
Halloween 2011 is officially over. WHEW! Mommy's have a LOT to do on Halloween! Grandma Gifford threw an awesome party once again this year!!! Emmy my ladybug.
Josie the black cat!
Georgia the ?. She wanted to be a fall bouquet then we arranged this and it turned into a Fall Queen. People kept thinking she looks like the Godess of Fall. Whatever floats your boat!!
Who doesn't love a parade. Margie does.
dancing too!
The man in charge!
My little sleepy angel!
ring toss the witch hat!
You can guess what is going to happen I'm sure!!
No hands Em.
The kitty caught hers.
Margie had some trouble though. MOm had to help.
Toss the ping pong ball into the cups that the ghost is holding.
Josie won the toss so she got to "pie" Russell!!!!!! I should have played!!!!!
She really rubbed it in too.
Who thinks Russell minded being covered in cool whip? Who has the strongest blow hole :) Blow the ping pong ball across the line!
The little ones had a hard time aiming thier blowers!!! It was funny. They were blowing so hard and the balls weren't even moving!!
Jack-o-lanterns 2011!
My favorite pumpkin face to carve. This one has a loose tooth though!
The kitty with her tail. I attached a piece of string from her tail to her wrist so she could wag it.
We even spray dyed her hair black. It was jet black. This pic doesn't show it very well.
Before we headed out for trick-or-treating.
On the way home. Full of smiles. Hope you had a great one!!