Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ava is a graduate!

We had the pleasure of attending Ava's Kindergarten graduation yesterday. Here she is patiently waiting to be called.
Ava and her teacher when she received her certificate.
Here she is receiving her Phys. Ed. certificate....
....and here she is getting a bookmark from the library. Her class read over 1,100 books this year!!! Way to go!!!
After the graduation Stacy treated us to a picnic lunch at Tibbett's Point Lighthouse. Here are some of us in the fog horn house.
A magnificent day!

Here is the lighthouse. Isn't it beautiful?
The girls were very excited about looking through the telescope out over the lake so we hung around to make sure they could use it. When they did however, they didn't have much luck. I was holding Margie Sue and each of them were just short enough that I had to lift them up so that they could see more than the sky. If Georgia stood on her tippy tippy toes she could just see the horizon line. Needless to say Jenny couldn't hold each of them up there steadily for too long! Sorry girls! Thanks for the great day Stacy, Ava and Brendan!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Ava! Kindergarten.. jeeze, these kids are growing way too fast!
    We stopped at Tibbet's point lighthouse one day while waiting for Eric's mom (the stable where Kit used to live is actually not far from the lighthouse..) and we strolled around. It's a pretty place and we hope to stop there again soon! I love stopping by all the places around the lake and the river..
    I'll let you know when we'll be up.. it may be as soon as the 4th or as late as August. Eric has to see if he can get the time off kind of last minute!
    talk to you soon!
