Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Our son / brother

We do have a son you know, and the girls a brother. This is a recent picture of Kebin we just received in the mail. He is our sponsor child from Guatemala. The girls refer to him as their big brother. He is getting quite handsome. We had another boy that we sponsored from Guatemala a few years ago named Merlin but he grew up, became as self sufficient as he could be, and was released from the sponsorship. We hope he is doing well. It is amazing to read about how little they live with. It really puts things into perspective and becomes a wonderful lesson for us all.


  1. Wow, Kebin is turning into quite a handsome young man. It is so nice that you guys do that. It's a great example for the girls. I will have to look into it.

  2. That's so wonderful you can give Kebin more opportunity by helping him out Jenny and family! Do you ever hear from your other child you helped?
    I just dropped you an email.. we're coming for a visit!!!! We're so excited!!!!
    talk to you soon!
