Sunday, June 21, 2009

A wonderful father's day!

A wonderful daddy rubbing the sleep from his eyes because his girls just woke him up for breakfast in bed!
Look at Emmy looking at her Daddy.
Josie is proud of what she wrote.

Can you read that card. Josie wrote "Dear Daddy, I love you so so so so so so so.... much"
This daddy rocks so we made him some rocks.
Later we met up with the Greats, and some aunts and uncles for a picnic at Selkirk Shores.
Dad and three of his girls.
Margie Sue finally got to meet her namesake. I think she liked her Great Grandma and Grandpa.
Can you tell my mom is cold. It was really cold, almost unbearably cold. The wind was blowing like a minor hurricane and then it rained and then the sun came out. We made it through, and it was most definitely worth the discomfort.
You can't go to the beach without making a sandcastle.

Me and my Margie Sue. I wish I was looking up, and the baby wasn't so bundled. What a nice background.
After the picnic the party wandered down to the water for rock throwing fun.

Russell and Aunt Joann/Uncle Pat's Luke.
Rick soaking up the view.
What happened Georgia? Josie, Georgia and Kimberly.

Uncle Pat keeping everyone in line (or are you being kept in line by that lifeguard again? ;) )

Aunt Joann/Uncle Pat's Kimberly.

It looks like one of them had a nice throw. Isn't that moment cute?

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful pictures Jenny.. where is that park you went to? Somewhere on Lake Ontario? It's a beautiful place. Wow.. it does look cold there! It was so hot here today.. almost 90 AND humid.. it really was miserable (weather wise!) Eric went first thing this am to play tennis (his passion..) and then we went to brunch. Christian was in Maine with a friend camping and got back this afternoon, but he's hanging out with Daddy now.
    It's great you are so close with your family... what special pictures to treasure.
    Love to you all!
