Friday, May 22, 2009

Em and her homework

My little Emmy LOVES to do homework. Now I will admit that I did probably obsessively push Georgia the most to learn things as a toddler. I'm not pushing Emmy to do anything instead it's her. She pulls on me all morning long asking for her homework.
Here mommy helped her color her shapes according to the directions.
I've seen people use bingo daubers before and I thought Emeline would love to do this. I accidentally uploaded these in opposite order but here is Emeline on her birthday morning (below) right after she opened her "dobber". She didn't have a clue as to what it was but when she saw that she could make boops with it (That is what she says each time she fills in a circle on her paper.) she fell in love with it. More often than not when I ask her what she wants to do in the morning she asks for her dauber. She once said "I wanna use my dobber and make boops!"


  1. We love are dot paint around here!!
    Kimberly would sit and "do" schoolwork all day---it is probably a good thing--but she drives me nuts!! LOL

  2. Nice work Emmy. You are a smart little girl; cute also. In Joannof10's blog, that beautiful amorilus is the one that you and your family gave to us two Christmas' ago. It is absolutley beautiful!!

  3. We love dot paints around here (in the preschool!) too! The kids use them a lot and never seem to get sick of it.
    I love your homework Em.. you do so well!!

    Jenny P.

  4. good mom your ma

    king emmy happy.

    i love you

    love josie

  5. Thank you Jenny for commenting on our blog. Sarah laughted histerically at your "stinkin' baby" comment! haha! We hope all is going well there and we will miss you too this weekend (our traditional weekend!) Will you go see a parade? There are no parades here for memorial day :(.. it was such a big part of it for us, wasn't it? We don't see any marching bands either. they just aren't big here unfortunatly.. I wish it were, I'd love to see Christian participating in one. Oh well..
    We'll be thinking of you!!
    Love always,
