Thursday, May 21, 2009

Unplugged Project - Sun

OK, we are going to try to join in on the "unplugged" fun. I can't guarantee we will participate every week, but we'll try to as often as possible. This weeks unplugged theme was the sun so we made a sundial.

Here, the girls are figuring out the folds. It was really quite easy once we understood what was going to happen. The directions for this one can be found at "Sky and Telescope".
They were very proud of their work. They like this sort of thing that teaches them that all things in stores are not necessities when you have the means to make it yourself. It is a lesson in being self-sufficient (and thankful for what we do have). It also empowers them in a way.
I was surprised at how accurate our sundial was. It was right on the money. The girls too were surprised, they kept running in the house to compare and low and behold it was right!


  1. Awesome job girls!! I was pretty amazed how accurate it was. Keep up the good work. Love Daddy

  2. What a great project!!! I think we will try this soon!

  3. Wow! I'm blown away by this project. Great job!!!
