Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Our Memorial Day

Our Memorial Day was as busy as ever. Brad once again took part in the ceremonies at the various cemeteries in the area.

Here he is leading the way.
The girls got a surprise. Dad rode a bus around to the different places and as you can see above in the first picture they did too. (I accidentally erased it the first time and had to post it again and it ended up first.) You would have thought I had just told them we were going to Disney World. They were soooo excited to ride the bus. Man, they need to get out more!
Another surprise for the day was that the bigger girls marched as Little Legionnaires!
There they go - leading the parade right behind Dad.
Taps being played at the town cemetery. Brad is right in the middle of the pic.
Here are Georgia and Josie waiting for the ceremony to end to march back down the hill.
There they go.
After the parade we went to mom's for a cookout. Little Brendan was tuckered right out before the party began. SOOOOO CUTE!
Stacy giving Sam the giggles. What an angelic face.

Emmy and Elsie finishing off their cupcakes.
Grandma and Emmy. Emmy loves Grandma.
Here she is with a snake that Russell sewed in school. Yes I said Russell sewed!!
The WHOLE gang minus Anthony who took the picture.
Here he is with Theresa. It was once again GREAT to see you two.
The big kids on the swing set. It was a wonderful day - thanks mom!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful patriotic and family pictures!!!
    Love to you all!
    --Jenny P.
