Thursday, January 29, 2009

Operation Playtime Day 10: Make Bubbles

Making bubbles what fun. Operation Playtime brought some sunshine inside today. One thing we tried was to do bubble prints.

Georgia blew us a big pile of bubbles.
Emmy's picture came out quite nice. The older girls' looked a little more diluted because our food coloring got mixed up and turned a shade of gray. They sort of resemble the moon though.
Then we played some silly games like pop so many bubbles with your foot, elbow, rear-end etc.
Emeline made sure none were left on the carpet.
Just some shots of Em enjoying the play.


  1. I am glad you had more sense than I did and didn't let Emmy blow the bubbles!!

  2. What fun! Emeline looks totally lost in all those bubbles. Thanks for participating.
