Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Operation Playtime Day 8: Playdoh, gloop and yuk!

We made goop.

Well we've done the playdoh thing so we decided to make goop something we were all unfamiliar with.

I'm not sure if the consistency is "right" but it was really pretty neat stuff.

Emeline loved the way it spread.
She also loved making these stringy slimes from her finger tips.

It feels pretty cool when you put your hands in it. Like quick sand the kids said.

After looking at this I was a little nervous about clean up.

Actually it was a breeze. I scraped off most of it and the rest wiped right up. The most difficult part of clean up was finding all the goop Em flung from making her "stringy slimes". I found them EVERYWHERE!

This smile sums up the activity!!


  1. How funny is that!!! When we were playing with it I thought, "I need to call Jenny, and tell her about how cool this is!"--HA HA!! We had a ball with it, and being a snowday, the big kids had fun too!!

  2. Kids are always attracted to gooey mess. Love their expressions. Thanks for participating. The kids look like they are having a great time.

  3. Goop is alot of fun! My kiddos had a great time with stuff when we made just recently.

    It was pretty cool cleaning the stuff up. I actually liked the clean up part. :)

    Looks like your kids had a great time.

  4. You guys have been having fun all week! That goop looks cool! I bet that the kids hope that this operation playtime never ends!
