Friday, January 30, 2009

Operation Playtime Day 11: Sugar Chalk

Well this was something different too. I prepared the water/sugar solution in the morning, went shopping, and about 7 hours later they used the sugar chalk. I think it worked.

Emmy has enjoyed all of this playtime intended just for her!!
Their first set of masterpieces. Good job girls.


  1. The pictures look great!! I didn't do this because we didn't have any chalk and I didn't go shopping....I will have to set this idea aside and do it in the future.

  2. Each picture looks so different. I wonder what was on their minds.

  3. Very pretty pictures girls! We'll have to give some of these ideas of yours a try! In the preK we've been playing in goop this week, just like you guys!
    I hope you have a fun weekend! Poor Sarah has a horrible rash! She went to the dr last week for a little rash on her nose and the medicine they gave her caused her to have a reaction. She woke up this AM to little pink dots ALL over her body! (from her scalp to her toes!) So, BACK to the dr. this morning! She's sitting in a baking soda bath right now....
    We'll check back soon, can't wait to see what you guys do next.
    Jenny P.
