Tuesday, March 30, 2010

More Birthday Pictures

Margie had her family party this weekend. Look how adorable she is!
Her Elmo cake.
The cousins, and uncle, and sisters waiting to get the party started.

Uncle Russell making her laugh.

Miss Elsie Rae.
The big girls helped Margie open her gifts. Something surprised her.
Saying thank you to Aunt Stacy for her book. Or maybe just showing her!
The party was either really boring for Russell or he was partied right out.
Sam and his buddy Bandit.
Getting ready to stick the nose on Elmo.

My china doll.

Still a thumb sucker. Doc says it is OK.
Thank you God for blessing me!

1 comment:

  1. You're too cute about the thumb sucking Jenny!! :)
    Oh she is such a doll..looks like she had a super day! I love the elmo cake! Everyone looks so good. Miss you all
    lots of love
