Friday, March 26, 2010

Margie Sue does NOT like to get dirty! What a lady.

We grabbed some groceries yesterday and rushed home to sing to the birthday girl.
I thought I would instigate the mess by dipping her hand into the cake. To be continued!
My cutie patootie! Happy Birthday Margie!
Now I didn't have time to make a cake yesterday so for the first time EVER we bought one. This was a caramel ice cream cake. Needless to say this was like the coolest thing to the kids.
Ut oh here is the continuation.
Mom there is a little on my hands.
Oh she really didn't like being messy. I always say I'm trying to raise 4 ladies.
It as all better when she got a taste.

Could it be possible that a year has gone by? Well, to answer that simply, yes I guess. Peek-a-boo.
Hhmmm. What's in there. Now this took forever too. Come on already just pull it out for heaven's sake.
Oooohhh thank you for the book Jojo.

1 comment:

  1. how cute! Christian was the same way at his first birthday. All he would eat was crackers and even then he picked them up like they were going to explode or something!Never mind not wanting to get dirty, he didn't even want the stuff in his mouth!! ;) (now Sarah on the other hand would eat mashed potatoes with her hands..)
    That cake does look good Jenny! Once in a while we buy one.. (especially ice cream ones..) but I have never made an ice cream cake.
    Hugs heading out to your little ladies!!
    lots of love and kisses,
