Wednesday, March 31, 2010

a herd of deer

Here are 4 of a group of 17 deer we drove by the other day. I thought about taking a panoramic picture but wasn't sure exactly how to do it and was running out of time because they started to get nervous once I took this picture. We have hardly seen any deer for a while but I guess they are still out there!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

More Birthday Pictures

Margie had her family party this weekend. Look how adorable she is!
Her Elmo cake.
The cousins, and uncle, and sisters waiting to get the party started.

Uncle Russell making her laugh.

Miss Elsie Rae.
The big girls helped Margie open her gifts. Something surprised her.
Saying thank you to Aunt Stacy for her book. Or maybe just showing her!
The party was either really boring for Russell or he was partied right out.
Sam and his buddy Bandit.
Getting ready to stick the nose on Elmo.

My china doll.

Still a thumb sucker. Doc says it is OK.
Thank you God for blessing me!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Margie Sue does NOT like to get dirty! What a lady.

We grabbed some groceries yesterday and rushed home to sing to the birthday girl.
I thought I would instigate the mess by dipping her hand into the cake. To be continued!
My cutie patootie! Happy Birthday Margie!
Now I didn't have time to make a cake yesterday so for the first time EVER we bought one. This was a caramel ice cream cake. Needless to say this was like the coolest thing to the kids.
Ut oh here is the continuation.
Mom there is a little on my hands.
Oh she really didn't like being messy. I always say I'm trying to raise 4 ladies.
It as all better when she got a taste.

Could it be possible that a year has gone by? Well, to answer that simply, yes I guess. Peek-a-boo.
Hhmmm. What's in there. Now this took forever too. Come on already just pull it out for heaven's sake.
Oooohhh thank you for the book Jojo.

Looking at the Sky on Friday

The hazy summer 2009 sky through the wind farm nearby. It reminds me of a contradiction with the clean air technology of the wind turbines and the hazy smog look of the sky on this particular day.
Play along at CrAzY Working Mom!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

weather is yuck again

Well our weather has turned back to reality so we recently went to Dad's school to run around and play. The baseball nets are up all over and the kids had fun playing lion, and zoo behind them.
They also played a little catch with dad. The 2010 season is almost upon us!

Little Margie trapped. Wish they had these up all the time!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

easter egg nest craft

Emmy made this craft without the "big girls" so it was extra special. We started by painting a small paper plate brown. While that was drying I helped her put together the chicks using one half of a plastic easter egg. I saw a picture where they used paper for the nest and it was really cute but I couldn't find one sheet of brown paper in this house. What I could find was some leftover yarn from a latch hook project of Georgia's so we used that.
Here are the babies.
It is kinda cute! Happy Spring!!