Tuesday, February 23, 2010


This coyote is real. We saw him as we were driving down the road. He was closer than this but he moved further out in the field by the time we stopped and turned around. He did stop and look at us looking at him though! Thanks Sir Coyote! I saw him rear his head back and howl as he stood there too!! What a treat.


  1. NEAT! I've only seen one during the day one time.. we hear them at night though a lot. the kids and I went for a walk yesterday (on school vaca..) in the woods, around the farm and then down by the river. We saw where coyotes were feeding (or so we think.). skulls, bones etc piled up around. We found one skull in tact and brought it home. I thought of you Jenny and told the kids too.. "Jenny used to love to bring stuff like this home and put it on her dresser!" I remember all of the stuff you had on that dresser that you found outdoors. anyway, we'll have to take a pic of the skull and see if you can help us identify it.. it has two long (yellow.. ) teeth sticking out.. maybe beaver or groundhog? Not sure..
    Glad you spotted that fellow!!
    Miss you all!

  2. ps be sure to check your email and our blog for something special!!!
