Monday, February 22, 2010

A Bowling Trip

Over vacation we took a trip to the bowling alley.
Nice form Brad. If you hadn't used the bumpers as much as the kids you would have a real argument as to whether you can hang with me or not!!

Go Georgia. You need some muscles on those bones.
Josie tried everything.
What did you get Georgia?
Bowling is NOT the sport for Margie. It put her right to sleep.
Emmy on baby watch.
Lining her up. I had never seen one of these contraptions for kids before.
Like I said, Jo tried everything.
Looks like you may have them Jo.
YES YOU DID. I missed the big jump and hoorah.
Big smile and Georgias waiting arms!
Go Emeline.
Looks like another good one. She beat me the second game. She was rolling strikes!
Brad you left some. snicker snicker
What a fun trip it was.

1 comment:

  1. looks like fun!!! Maybe we'll go bowling this week too?! It's been a while! oh, I've seen those contraptions here for the littler children.. strange looking things huh?!
    Margie looks so peaceful!! Good job on baby watch Emmy!!! :)
