Friday, January 22, 2010

marshmallow igloo, origami whale and a tube penguin

We were talking about Antarctica yesterday and we made a marshmallow igloo to go along with our theme. As you can see we had Ava with us and ironically she is learning about Antarctica in school right now too!! She wasn't feeling well so Stacy thought it best for her to come over while she went to work.
Aren't they cute?
Emeline LOVED this. We used a craft glue to stick them on the plastic cup. It probably would have been smarter if I had whipped up some frosting because Emmy kept sneaking them!
We also made this toilet paper tube penguin. The girls made some very unusual breeds like this one that is all red.

THEN, we made an origami blue whale. Emeline is trying to cut her paper into a square. She insisted she knew just what she was doing. Don't worry mom!
We learned so much. Thanks for helping us out Ava. Hope you are feeling better.

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