Friday, January 22, 2010

Looking at the Sky on Friday

We woke up to a frosty , gray morning yesterday.
A winter wonderland.
Isn't it beautiful?


  1. This winter wonderland is so beautiful. We don't care for ice on the roads and walks, but the icy atmosphere adds a wonderful frosting on the trees and shrubs!

  2. You know I wouldn't want to be out in it but it does make for some exquisite photos. ~ Calico Contemplations

  3. It is beautiful, but I'm sooooooo ready for Spring to, well...SPRING! :)

    Happy Friday. Thanks for playing along.

    -Tisha @ Looking @ The Sky on Friday

  4. pretty pics Jenny!! I love the frost on the trees..
    SO, I'm still at the hosptial with C!!! This is our 4th day. Waiting for the dr's to come in. Yesterday they said two more days, but if he's looking great this am they may let us go home today. That would be so nice!! We miss home so much!!
    We'll keep you posted on everything!!!
    Talk to you soon

  5. Beautiful photos! Looks so cold though. :)

    Have a great week ahead.

    Mommy's Little Corner
