Monday, December 7, 2009

A visit from Grandma and Grandpa S.

This is the THIRD time Josie had "Happy Birthday" sung to her this year. She finally got to celebrate with her best friend, cousin Ava.
This time she had peanut butter pie. Mmmmm.
Georgia making sure she says thank you nice and loud.
Half of the crew.

Matt keeping Margie entertained.

Thank you Thank you Thank you Cassie for coming and bringing along your beautiful pup.
Miss Elsie Rae with a really small baby.

Margie and her blanky.
Santa Baby.

We didn't get any nice group pictures because of the normal choas that comes with large family gatherings. Thank you so much Dad and Glenda for making the trip. We miss you so very much. Wish you could have made it Theresa and John. Hope to see you soon.


  1. Was this Christmas for you all? lots of gifts I see being opened!!! Fun stuff!
    love you guys!!
    Jenny P
