Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Parade and Fireworks

We went to the annual Christmas Parade this weekend. I didn't get any pictures of the actual parade because this year my arms were full of baby but it was just as wonderful as last year.
Afterwards we stayed for the fireworks and got a great view right from the van.
Margie loved them!

Here is Emmy laying on the horn when they were finished. Blow Emeline Blow!!


  1. Thought I'd check your blog Jenny since I'm home!! Sarah came down to my classroom today with a plugged ear, and sore throat.. she was coughing in her sleep a lot last night.. anyway, we're just waiting for her dr's appointment in 45 min or so!! LOVE the pics of you guys!! Margie is so cute looking out the window! AND almost walking??!!! Slow down girl!! She can't be a toddler yet!!!! :) She's growing too fast Jenny, where does the time go?!!
    Enjoy the rest of your Christmas season!! Miss you tons!!!

  2. Hey again.. is that Jessie in the background of the first pic???
    You guys sure do look coooold!!! :)
