Monday, September 7, 2009

A weekend gathering.

Mom hosted a family gathering this weekend. We seem to be getting together a lot this year!
I think we have a new tradition brewing in the form of a karaoke machine and microphones. Here are Georgia and Ava singing "Tim McGraw".
Brendan hamming it up for the camera.
Brother John and Sister Theresa made the trip which is why the family gathering came together in the first place. Thanks for coming guys. We once again missed you Cassie and Roger!!
John brought his lovely girlfriend Maddie along to meet everyone. I don't think we scared her too much. Hey if she can stand John we are a piece of cake. She is a student at SUNY Cobleskill, going for early childcare.
Emeline kept everyone laughing. The life of the party!
Josie doing the limbo! ???????

Brendan sang us a song too while and after Ava sang "Tomorrow".

John and I. Thanks for letting me borrow a sweatshirt Russell. It got a little chilly.
Big Brother keeping little bro in line I guess.
A handsome Ben. We need to say a few prayers for Ben. He is a SENIOR this year and needs help in deciding what to do with himself. Pray for guidance!
Josie at Aunt Reese's hair salon.
Johnny very awkwardly holding Margie Sue.

He also gave her some very awkward kisses. I'm sure she felt the love John!
We hope to see you all REAL soon!

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