Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sixberry Lake

We lucked out and took a wonderful camping trip to Sixberry Lake Thursday night. Mom had actually been planning the trip but because Rick hadn't been feeling well (he has pneumonia) they decided to cancel and invite us to take their place. I guess calling it lucky on account of Rick's illness doesn't sound very sensitive but you know what I mean. Rick is feeling better - still not 100% but he is better.
We picked a very scenic campsite (we got to choose because we were the only ones there for the night!) and we took advantage by taking some pretty pictures right from the get go.

Three of my girls. Emmy, we just got here how did your feet get so dirty already??!
Margie Sue was sleeping or else I would have tossed her up there for a picture. More to come I will have to post them in installments because I took a ton of pictures.
Thank you Mom, Rick, Ben and Russell for helping us out soooo much, and for offering the site to us. XOXO

i love you

1 comment:

  1. A very pretty site!!! Looks like you had nice weather too. Camping is so much fun. Em.. did you get your s'mores?!!!
