Friday, June 5, 2009

Unpluggd Project - petal

The unplugged theme for this week was petal. We decided it would be fun to dissect a flower. The irises around here finally bloomed so we chose that flower to look at more closely.
When looking at them in a group they are breathtaking but when looking at the individual and it's parts I think it was even more so.
I found a flower anatomy worksheet that they used to label the parts and write definitions of those parts.
Working away.
When we got inside they were pretty intrigued by what they found.

Here is the inside of our iris after the standard petals were removed. They thought the beards were quite funny and Emmy loved to touch their fuzziness.
For Emeline afterwards, we created a flower shop game. She played and played.

Here she is paying for her flower.
THEN, the big girls got in on the game after seeing how much fun little sis had. They soon realized that it wasn't as much fun as Em was making it out to be!

1 comment:

  1. What a great "petal" project"! And I love the flower shop, and what a pretty afghan they are using to hold the flowers in!! ;-)
