Saturday, June 6, 2009

Finally the garden is in.

We've had such rain and cold that there was a span of a couple weeks where the garden was just impossible to get in. Well we finally did get things planted! You can see the soil is still very wet.
This will be the first garden that Emeline can partake in. She should enjoy watching it grow.
After we did the garden the girls helped me transplant a couple of houseplants that urgently needed bigger pots. Now that is done too, I've had it on my to-do-list for a while now.
*Georgia makes her First Communion tomorrow!!*

1 comment:

  1. We planted our garden on Memorial day and I had to replant beans and cucumbers yesterday due to all of the rain!! I should have waited! What a pain!!! Hopefully I will take better care of it this year too..!
