Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Operation Playtime Day 8: Kitchen Grocery Store

It didn't take long for the kids to dive into today's Kitchen Grocery Store theme when I told them what was on the operation playtime agenda today.

Along with a grocery store we had a cafe where the babies enjoyed a mid-morning snack.

Josie also set up a book store and a ...
...pet shop.
The little girls deciding what exactly they should purchase.
Emeline got some funny things out of the cupboard to buy. Bag 'em up Georgia!


  1. Looks like fun! Pretend play is such a big part of learning! Grocery store is a favorite pretend time. I can tell you of some things we do in the preschool to bring the outdoors in (after seeing your last post of cold temps and could not go out!!! what a drag huh??!).. during our center time, sometimes in the "science" area we will but big bins of snow on a table for the kids to dig in with sand toys.(and smocks of course! :) ) To make it even more fun we sometimes will add ice cubes that were frozen with food coloring or liquid water color (I can't remember which, I guess whatever won't stain hands as much!) and add 'em right in the class and in the bins. HUGE FUN! Emmy and Elsie are so cute during their little snack time! I wish I could hug them all!
    talk to you soon!
    Jenny P

  2. Wow you have a full on Mall going on there. What great pretend play ideas all linked together. Way to go with the pretend play.
