Monday, January 26, 2009

Operation Playtime Day 7: Pretend Play

We didn't participate yesterday which was outdoor play, because we were in single digits not counting the wind chill. I tried to find ways to bring the snow indoors by finding a recipe or something it just didn't work out for yesterday. However....
Today's unplugged activity is all about pretend play. Imagination and playtime are NOT lacking in this household but we did do some things differently today.
For example we played dress-up and had a fairy adventure.
One little fairy flitting around.

This is a treasure map to the Queen Fairy that Georgia made. She wrinkled it up and put a hole in it to make it look old. The Queen Fairy happened to be me!! I got to play too.
I took that as a cue and decided to get right down with them today.
We had many adventures with little people. We would start one scenario, finish it, and start with another story line. It was fun!


  1. Don't know why the weather was being cooperative lol. We had cold weather here too but not as cold as you. Love the treasure map and the story behind it.

    Thanks for joining in.

    Great stuff you're all doing.

  2. You even have girly treasure map paper!
