Monday, September 1, 2008

Wow Stacy that worked!

To catch you up on some of our happenings. This is the kids at Vacation Bible School 2008. I taught the music which I have done every year for over 10 years now.
Em learned all the dances at VBS and still does them.

We thoroughly enjoyed watching the Olympics. Georgia reminded me soooo much of me. She would watch some gymnastics and go right out to try it herself. I would imitate Mary Lou when I was a kid. I had an Olympic dress and everything. I would get gymnast books out of the school library and try to do the same moves in my backyard.

Here she is practicing her balance beam dismount! Fitting that the flag is there.

A picture of my Grandfather blowing out his surprise birthday cake for his 80th birthday party at a family reunion.

Love you Grandpa.
As I said before- my camera is in the car so I will have more tomorrow.


  1. I'm glad that it worked, you know struggling with dial up you have to improvise even if it involves pig noses. You are so lucky to be getting high speed! I can't wait to hear about all of you're homeschooling adventures. I bet that things are going to be getting a lot more exciting in you're house soon, judging by all the fun that Joanne has. I can't wait to see the girls book blogs as well!

  2. Hi Jen.. I left another post just a second ago on the post before this one.. anyway, I forgot to ask how to cheat and get the pix to upload quicker??? WOW, it's really slow on my end too.. lucky you getting high speed!! I can't wait.. it just is not available here.. only "in town" (town consists of 2 streets, but they do have high speed.. and it's about 3 mi from here..)
    Have fun with everything! I want to hear about it! Love the pix of the girls, they sure are pretty!
    love ya
    Jenny P.
    ps Hello Stacy!!!:)
