Monday, September 1, 2008


Wow it has been a while. I have been on blog strike because I got sick of waiting the 30 minutes for 1, yes 1 picture to upload. I was talking to Stacy this weekend though and she told me of a way to cheat to get the pictures to upload much more quickly but, my camera is in the car and I'm too tired to go and get it right now.

We start home schooling tomorrow! We are sooooo excited. The blog will take on a slightly different path now! You will get to see how our early struggles turn into smooth sailing as we journey down this exciting new river of adventure.

Wish us luck!! Love to you all. We are getting high speed by the way (not sure when but we requested service this weekend) so I will be much more predictable with the blog from now on I promise!


  1. Hellooooo, I am glad you are back. I was going to e-mail you and see if your computer was down or something. (I guess that wouldn't work now, would it)

    Go luck on your great adventure. You are going to do great homeschooling. It is a wonderful, fun filled way to live!

  2. I didn't know you were going to homeschool Jen! When did you guys decide that? You will be great at it I'm sure.. you are always doing so many fun things with the kids and they are learning at the same time.. not to mention how patient you are.. :)
    have fun!
    Jenny P.
