Friday, October 19, 2012

crafting binge

Theresa this one's for you.  I recently went crazy checking things off my wish list as far as home decorating goes.  I had too.  I just recently hosted Ben and Tracie's party.  A lot of those people will never be in my house again!!  Here are some chair cushions I whipped up after trying to find some toile cushions and finding none or some that were outrageously expensive I decided to give it a go myself.  Our bums are most appreciative.  :)

Then I finally refurbished the tables in my living room.  I searched and searched for something to go "in" the panels on the side.  I had searched for weeks!  While walking through a dollar store I came upon this contact paper and it is pretty much exactly what I was looking for. 

The big job was tackling the cupboards.  I have always wanted white cupboards and it has been on my "wish list" for about 7 years.  Well I went for it and after many sleepless nights it came out really nice.

I just LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE white and bright.
Theresa I'm waiting for your next project!!!  ;)

1 comment:

  1. Ahh I love that contact paper i went to my Dollar General just last week and bought four rolls of that exact pattern. I will post on my blog my latest project that i used it for. I;m working on a t-shirt quilt right noe for Anthony for X-mas. I'll put some pics up of that as well.
