Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ben and Tracie's Wedding

Ok once again I uploaded these in the wrong order but you get the point.  The wedding was a GREAT success.  Here are the kids living it up "dropping it REAL low!"

It brought me to instant tears watching my little Emmy.  She just had been waiting for the party for soooo long.  It warmed my heartstrings to see her so into it and oblivious to her surroundings.  She is usually so sensitive and gets embarrassed easily!

Trying to drag Uncle Russell out onto the dance floor.

After the bouquet toss.  Poor Tracie had a hard time because twice the flowers hit the lights above her.  The last time it came down and hit her in the face.  I think it hurt the poor girl.

Dollar dance.

You and I wonder what is being said here!

I love this pic.

Cake time!  Tracie told Ben that if he wasn't nice she wasn't going to be either!!


Bugging Uncle John.


Waiting to be announced.

Before the party even began the little kids devoured the candy favors.  I don't know if you can see the piles of wrappers in front of them or not!

The second wedding cake.  I guess they got the first one home and it collapsed!

Headed out for outside pictures.

My Josie


Mom and Son


Tracie and her sister, Amber.

That is Tracie's nephew.

Ben, Tracie and her parents.

The Guys

They are married!!!!!

The sacred vows. 
Josie and Brendan processing in.  She was sooo pretty and he was so cute in his "handsome stuff".  At the rehearsal dinner the girls (Georgia, Josie, Ava) were talking about what they were going to wear and Brendan was asked what he was going to wear.  His reply while shrugging his shoulders...."handsome stuff".  :)

My girls before the wedding!  I'm so proud of them! 
Ben and Tracie I wish God to bless your marriage!!  xoox

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