Monday, May 14, 2012

Emeline is 5!!!

 My little Emmy is 5!
 I missed the action but boy was there some laughter when Aunt Jenny explained to all the kids what a whoopie cushion was!  Uncle Ben and Tracie got Emeline one!  Elsie was my volunteer and boy did the kids laugh and laugh when we found out what a piggie she is!
                                                                    Some of the gang.
                                                              Some more of the gang.

                 A little out of order but here is my bashful Emmy when we were singing to her!

I had big plans of making Emeline a tower cake to look like the tower that Rapunzel lived in in the movie Tangled.  I had to resort to plan B when I simply ran out of time.  In case you can't tell the yellow is supposed to be her hair.

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