Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Years Eve Party

A little healthy competition will keep you awake!
But.. Emmy is getting tired.

Margie Sue played away with her babies for a good hour and a half without bothering anyone or getting distracted. I liked that!!!

When they started to think they may not make it I brought out the bubbly. That brightened their eyes!


A farewell toast to 2011 and here's to the new year.

Margie really liked her bubbly.

Emmy could have drank it right from the bottle. I'm sure if I turned my back for long enough she would have given it a try too.

Emeline and Scamper. Scamper looks sleepy.

15 minutes...We're going to make it!! At this point I'm delirious and can't believe that all 4 kids are still awake!

They were getting super tired though and needed to have a pick-up basketball game to make it the last 15 minutes.

Margie going in for the jam.

A little more bubbly to hold em over.


Almost there!

Whoooo Hoooo FINALLY!!!

Now I can go to bed!!!!

We wish you a blessed New Year!


  1. I always love your New Year pics! Dad looks a little sleepy too ;) love to all!

  2. Wow, you all did it! Happy New Year! :)
