Thursday, October 13, 2011

Minna Anthony Common Nature Center Autumn Festival

What a nice time the kids had at the Autumn Festival on Wellesley Island this year. It was almost 80 degrees in the afternoon and we beat most of the crowd by getting there early. One of the attractions that the kids enjoy are the games.

Scarecrow making contest. They provide the posts, straw and clothes. We didn't make this pair but we will make one next year.

Apple cider press. Turn the wheel Georgia and mash those apples. Margie is putting an apple in and Georgia is mashing it.
"Bones" got pretty tired!

Angora rabbit.

I love the Alpacas.

Taking a hike.

Emeline had a stick when we started the hike. After a while she chucked it aside. I kind of wondered why and it all made sense when we came across one of these trail markers. She said "mom, this means no running with sticks". Too cute!


The animal show. The darn animals were moving WAY too fast so I didn't hardly get any pictures. A lemur. I didn't even get his beautiful tail :(

a lynx

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