Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Brendan's 4th birthday party!!!!!!!

Well we went to Brendan's AWESOME 4th birthday party and it was so cute. It had a dinosaur theme and Stacy made some really cool stuff. Here are the kids opening up their dino eggs after an egg hunt!

Ring the Triceratops.

A volcano too!! Brendan, when asked what a volcano did to the dinosaurs and why their was one at his party replied, "because it extincted them".

Dino egg relay race. Ava was really cheering on Margie!

What did the boys football of course.

Pin the tail on the T-Rex. This was Grandma Giffords turn!

AWESOME cake!!

Blow out the volcano Brendan!

Sam loved his piece.

Instead of hot potato it was hot dino egg.

We love you Brendan. Thanks for the great party Stacy!! xoxo

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