Saturday, June 25, 2011

Draft Horse Pull and Show / Civil War Days

Recently we went to a Draft Horse show and pull at our local Agricultural Museum. Here is a young Clydesdale. Isn't he gorgeous!


It was also Civil War Days so we walked around the museum a bit. Ooops guess we weren't supposed to be in here but the door was open. The man said "I just opened the door to get something out". Well you should have shut the door afterwards. Didn't your mother teach you anything? No he was nice and let us look around. Here is Margie in the kitchen.

Josie manning the cash register.

Emmy with baby beds and carriages.

A bear skin at the mountain man camp.

Native American drum.

A mountain man with a coyote cap on.

Here is where one of them actually slept the night before!

Brad playing a homemade deer skin ladder ball game.

An angora rabbit named Harriet.

Spinning Harriet's fleece.

Learning about the cannon.

Back to the horse show.

They were moving pretty fast and boy you could feel the earth shake when they trotted past. It brought tears to my eyes!

These guys stole the show.

We didn't make it to the pull. It is something I have always wanted to see. It was hot and the little kids were whiny and wanted home. :( Another year!

1 comment:

  1. Nice photos. It looks like it was a greaaaaaat day!!! Love to all...xx Grandma and Grandpa
