Thursday, March 10, 2011

Georgia's Basketball season

Georgia's basketball season is over and we couldn't be more proud of her. She scored some points here and there and played some pretty tight defense but most of all she was a team player. It was very heartwarming to hear her say "good job" and give her teammates a high-5. I think she has a bright future!!


  1. Hi Again Jenny!
    I just got your message on my blog. (thank you btw!!) You asked where we stayed in Fl. It was a Universal Hotel called the lowe's royal pacific resort. We stayed right there, so we didn't have to rent a car or anything. The weather was sooooooo nice!! I wish we could have stayed longer. (only 3 days really.. two days were travel days.) It was our first family vacation too. I wish we could go back.. maybe we can if I beg enough (and save enough!!!) !!!The only issue was the crowds at harry potter were horrible!The rest of the parks were okay. Yes, check out FB, there are more pics there.
    Miss you all!!! xoxo
