Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Georgia's basketball season

Georgia played basketball this winter on our town team. Here she is with her rockin' sports glasses on! All the kids thought those glasses were so very cool. I thank God for that!
Here she has the ball trying to get a shot off. Both "real" games the team played she scored 1 out of the 5 baskets so she was VERY proud of that.

Not sure if this is offense or defense. At this level it all kind of looked the same :)
There is a shot. No comments about that really ugly form. It is hard for little hands to shoot correctly. I think to make it easier they should lower the basket about a couple feet. Then they would be able to shoot correctly. This shot went in by the way!
Talking to coach after the game. I've already put my name in to coach next year! Hope hope hope I get it!


  1. Way to go Georgia!!! You look great playing basketball. Love, love, love.

  2. she's a natural! btw, you guys could move here, we alway need coaches!!! At this level though, it's all volunteer...
    Have a good rest of your week!!!!:) love to you all !!
