Wednesday, March 30, 2011

More Margie

These are from Margie's party we had amongst ourselves. I just had to add them.

A foam baseball bat so she won't get out the big girls softball bat to swing around anymore!!

Fruit snacks from Emmy! Margie squealed when she opened that one!

Georgia and Josie made her that head band.
She loves her jewelry!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Margie's party

I tried and tried to get a nice "2 year old" shot but she was such a wiggle worm all excited about her party she just wouldn't sit still.

She was so embarassed to have everyone looking at her. I have more pictures to come just because she is so cute!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

St. Patrick's Day clover "crafts"

Our Irish Soda Bread. A touch too salty but still yummy.
Making pretzel clovers.

Emmy also made a clover Trinity.
I'm a little late getting these up - I know!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom!

Mom very happy with some slippers. She told me she would like slippers because she hadn't had a pair in over 40 years!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

project adventure

This weeks PE class was project adventure. I didn't get many pictures because I was having too much fun playing myself. Here they are trying to get through the maze. You can probably figure it out but Georgia was blind-folded and Josie led her through the maze.
Emeline and Margi had fun just running through it.

Then they played escape to the island (or something like that). Brad said God graciously left a rope for escape and they had to get all of the passengers of one boat to the island. The island was very small. You can picture whole classes doing this and then a bunch of kids holding each other on a little mat so as not to fall in the "crocodile laden water".

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

salt dough crown of thorns

We finally made our own salt dough crown of thorns. I made a batch of salt dough, split it evenly into three (and a handful for Margie to play with), and had the girls get rolling.
They needed some help to get it braided so I did that. I didn't have a single toothpick in the house but did have some small nails so we used those. Georgia said "So it's like each time we make a sacrifice and pull a nail we are causing Jesus less pain."

There it is. Now lets see some sacrifices being made around here!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Emeline is a basketball player too!

Emmy is playing basketball too! She has been very anxious to go lately but still doesn't like anyone to look at her.
She sunk one. Don't you love the 3 foot rim!

Heave it up there Em!

Dribbling. She is a pretty good little dribbler. Look at her concentration.

Look at her shot!! Yay Emeline!
Now we are practicing the bounce pass. It is so much fun to watch her run and smile. She has a lovely little soul!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Margie's made-up

Margie got into some make-up. Now she can be made-up on her way to the daily parades that she attends!
For those of you who don't get it. Each and every day Margie wakes up, she grabs her stroller, baby, covers her wrists in bracelets and hair ties, finds every necklace in the house to put on, sunglasses, hats, you name it, she wears it. She tells me in a very grown up kind of voice that she is going to a parade. ? I really don't think she even knows what a parade is!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Georgia's Basketball season

Georgia's basketball season is over and we couldn't be more proud of her. She scored some points here and there and played some pretty tight defense but most of all she was a team player. It was very heartwarming to hear her say "good job" and give her teammates a high-5. I think she has a bright future!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jacob's a child of God!!

Jacob getting ready for the event. Dad must be cleaning off some drool!
Father told all of the kids to "come right up here"!

This was fun trying to get these little kids still. I was trying to get my littles up there but more littles kept coming!!!