Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Josie is 7


  1. Happy Birthday Josie!! Looking at these pictures brings tears to my eyes. You were and are an angel from heaven. You will always be my little Jo no matter how old you are. I love you with all my heart and hope that you have a wonderful 7th birthday. Missing you and all of my other angels from home. Love Daddy/Brad

  2. Happy birthday beautiful Josie!! We all hope you have a very special day today. we are thinking of you from way over here!!!
    Love you
    The Parenti Family

  3. Happy Birthday to a beautiful Josie!! You are indeed and angel from heaven. We love you very much!!! Grandma and Grandpa

  4. Happy Birthday Jo!!! I sure hope you have a fun Birthday!

    Love - Aunt Theresa
