Monday, October 18, 2010

Fall Festival at Nature Center

The following pictures are from our Fall Festival trip to the Nature Center. Some you may have seen but I recently had to purchase more picture space in the virtual internet world and wanted to get all of these in my virtual album so am posting them here to do so. :)
Up and over the bridge. VERRRYYY exciting!

The scarecrow making consest was awesome. We'll take part next year.
How big is your wingspan?

Margie hugging a tree when our hike just was getting underway.

Don't do it Georgia!!

Bus ride

1 comment:

  1. Oh no!! A tree hugger?!! (I won't tell Eric.. not to worry! haha!)
    have a wonderful weekend (I'm saying this b/c I have no internet at home since Christian and his cousin used up all of our high speed time for the month, (youtube..) the little monkeys.. and I have been checking at work.. AND we have a 4 day weekend starting Thursday .. YAY!!!)
    Love to you all
    Jenny P
