Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Perch River

We took a field trip for a picnic lunch and nature hike at Perch River which is a wildlife management area.
Jo enjoying her yogurt.

We took a LONG hike down the road to this viewing tower. The kids made it. Poor Georgia wasn't feeling very well but she made it too.
A little scary. It is one of those things that have been around since I can remember and each time I stop to climb it I think about the screws loosening and boards breaking...not good thoughts as you're climbing.

The view is worth the scare in my book. We saw so many birds. Swans, gulls, osprey, blue herons, an unidentified bird that hovered over the water with a rather large bill (my first guess was a kingfisher silhouette) that I must identify, another big bird that was rather large that perched on the marshy grass that was knocked down that I must identify(looked to me like a least bittern silhouette but I was just too far away)...etc. I'll go get to work! :)
swans on our walk back
What a sight.


  1. Way to be brave! That's a neat little place. The kids and I stoppd a week or so ago and climbed that tower, now THAT was an adventure with the three of us!

  2. I remember that place! It's been years since I've seen it. That tower HAS been there a long time! What a nice little trip and picnic that was. We love to just pack a picnic and go too.. it's so fun. Sorry I have not uploaded any pics on our blog lately. Work/school for the three of us started on Aug 25th, so we have been BUSY! (now it's rest time in the prek so I can check your blog from here as I'm too exhausted when I get home!)I'm still not used to being back at work and these little ones tire me out!
    Hope all is well there!!Enjoy this cooler weather!!
    love of love,
    Jenny P.
    ps I hope you feel better Georgia!!! :)

  3. Uncle Fred says: "Watch out for Perch Lake effect!" :)
