Thursday, September 9, 2010

Emmy's soccer

Now it's Emmy's turn to play some soccer. After seeing her sisters play all summer she wanted her own team. Here she is reaching for her mommy's hand! "Don't go mommy"!!
Stretching. Oops you need to put your hands up now!!
Mommy had to go back out because she got a little nervous. The hipe that led to this day was intense and it finally got here and she worked herself up so much she was nervous. She kept saying things about being aggressive. She was going to make her mom and dad happy by being aggressive. This is VERY funny to Brad and I because she got this aggressive thing from us talking to Georgia during her soccer season. Emmy was going to be aggressive right up until the time the coaches called the kids in.
No hands silly goose. We discovered she is a cheater. She likes to go a little further when the coach yells red light and, when it is green she kicks it REALLY far. Oh yeah she also stops it with her hands to get a little advantage!
All done and cooling down. I'll snap some more pictures because Georgia took these for me and I'd like to get some more of her smiling face! She loves her "team" though and has scored many goals (according her her!!!).


  1. Awwwww...that is so cute. That's at the Y, right? Ethan just had his first day of gymnastics at the Y today. He loved it and told everyone he "was really good at it"! Ha! It was so funny to watch him tumble around.
