Monday, August 16, 2010

A trip to the Greats

We took a visit to my Grandparents house this weekend. One of my favorite things to do while there is just sit and hang out with them.
Emeline filled Great Grandpa's ear with a story about something!!
Bubble time.
Emmy running with her wand and Margie licking hers.
Go Grandpa Go!
Margie and Mommy

My boy playing in the sandbox!

The mid-state cousins!!!

Of course we took a walk to see a train. I love it....not so sure about the kids :)
Stay on the side Emeline.
Finally we heard a whistle! Here it comes - get out of the way Georgia.

Margie didn't know what to think. Our feet were shaking and our ears were ringing - such excitement.
Emmy was a little nervous! Look at the grip.
The family reunion at my Grandfather's homestead. Kim and Emmy best buds.
Some of the gang.
Margie Sr. and Margie Jr.
My grandparents and my girls and I.

Thanks for the lovely visit. Wish we could stay forever! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. What great pictures! It's so nice that your children have great grandparents!
