Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Reptile show

Yes these are from a while ago, that is Amiya in the picture but I haven't put them on here yet. We went to a reptile show and look what I volunteered for!
In my glory!
There were a ton of animals but this big guy was the hit.

Elsie Rae on the left, a helper, Amiya, Josie and Georgia.

When we got home Emmy ran around on a mission and then started yelling "Come to my reptile show, come to my reptile show". The group that put the show on had about 20 plastic and glass containers on a couple of tables so that is where the plastic container comes in. Then belts and cords and shoe laces make perfect snakes! She put on a great show even though one kept biting me and one kept getting out!! :)


  1. you haven't changed Jenny!!! Eric would have been scared to death at that show.. he's VERY scared of snakes! I don't mind them, as long as they are outside or in the zoo.. :) and what a show at your house!! What imaginations!! haha!!

  2. Yes Jenny, you were brave! Oh, and I LOVE Amiya's face in the second to last photo! Tell Emmy the next time she has a show to let us know!

  3. Hello, My thats some snake. I almost ran over one like it (a diamond head python) on the road one evening. It had a huge bulge in the middle so must have eaten a chicken or someones pet?? Horrible. Actually a farmer placed an electric fence to ward off something that was taking his sheep. I snake got caught. Thats Australia for you. I have a photo of it on my Blog under, "Some Snake." The children enjoy to look at them. You were very brave to volunteer. God Bless your day!
