Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Reptile show

Yes these are from a while ago, that is Amiya in the picture but I haven't put them on here yet. We went to a reptile show and look what I volunteered for!
In my glory!
There were a ton of animals but this big guy was the hit.

Elsie Rae on the left, a helper, Amiya, Josie and Georgia.

When we got home Emmy ran around on a mission and then started yelling "Come to my reptile show, come to my reptile show". The group that put the show on had about 20 plastic and glass containers on a couple of tables so that is where the plastic container comes in. Then belts and cords and shoe laces make perfect snakes! She put on a great show even though one kept biting me and one kept getting out!! :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Brad's Shirt

Do you like this shirt we made for Daddy?
It's not true, but it is cute!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Josie's soccer

Josie played soccer this summer again. Boy is she an aggressive player. She is fun to watch.
She always surprises me because she is so soft spoken ...

...but when she plays she gives it her all.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Amiya rode a horse (well pony)!!!!

Mia rode a horse! She was scared but she did it AND Bubbie did sooooo good too!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Alan Jackson videos!!

Where Were You

Drive(for Daddy Gene)

Alan Jackson videos!!

Little Bitty

Where Were You (ending)

Alan Jackson videos!!

It's 5 O'clock Somewhere

Remember When (my fave)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Basketball Camp

The girls participated in Basketball Camp again this year. They are getting better!
Josie is a trip to watch. She has some natural athletic ability and is very aggressive.

Defense (stomp stomp)
Defense (stomp stomp)
Amiya went along the first two days she was here and she was TIRED!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Ben's Grad Party

We got there early to help set up. HOT.
The kids enjoyed each others company of course. Here they are at their table.
New best buds.
Benjamin cutting the cake.
Emmy and Brendan playing rough.
My Margie Sue.
Josie and Ava
Amiya getting Ben with grass.
Margie playing with Grandma's gravel with a spoon.
Amiya and others on the swing. Isn't she beautiful?
It was so great to see Cassie - love you Cassie.

Blah Blah Blah...

Simon Says
Sam wearing Grandma's glasses.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Here are the girls with the sign we made to welcome Amiya our fresh air child from Staten Island.
Here she is just off the bus. She was on that thing ALL day. Poor girl.
When we got home we put the animals to bed. She was very excited about the horses and wants to ride one. That will be a special day!
She volunteered to water them. I can't believe how polite this girl is. It is going to make the stay sooooooo easy. She is very inquisitive and is so bright eyed about the whole situation. I'm so excited about the unfolding of this experience!

Friday, July 2, 2010


We have been enjoying the horses this year.
This weekend we had the neighbors over to get a lesson and they were floating on air.
My Jazz is 15 this year! She is such a nice girl.
Pony is becoming a dream. I have tried to make my time with him quality training time and it seems to have worked. He is gently and allows you to finally brush him all over. He is taking the saddle and pad with little fuss and I can trim his feet with no problem. His main and tail are finally growing back and he is becoming quite the handsome little guy. Finally I feel confident that he is not going to act up around the girls and I allow Georgia and Josie handle him on their own. Don't worry they are horse smart kids!