Monday, May 24, 2010

Russell and his baseball

Russell, as I mentioned, is playing baseball for the first time IN HIS LIFE this season. He is doing really well. Here he is ...
... slapping the ball into play.
I must admit, he has gotten himself into a couple of pickles but those moments bring some life to the bench. The last game, he had the tying run and a couple RBI's. I'm very proud of him!!


  1. Keep up the good work Russell. Great Job.

  2. Great job Russell!! You look good out there! Christian has a baseball game tonight I hope to get to... it's hard when Sarah is at riding the time I get back I catch the tail end. I hope to get some pictures this time. :) Thanks for your post Jenny! I am so happy that I found the courage to just go out there and expose Kit to all that I can. You would never know he was not a trail horse before now.. it's amazing!! (he's taught me so much too!) My neighbors are putting up a new barn which Kit will live in (hopefully this summer). They are going to get horses.. so come visit!!! :)
    Love to you all!
