Friday, May 7, 2010

Margie and her yoga

The girls and I do some yoga for a stretching exercise and Margie has picked up some moves.
Downward dog. Good job Margie. She gets right into it and knows when I pull out the mat that it's time for yoga. She was actually doing this before I turned it on tv.


  1. Hi Jenny!
    Cute picture! looks like she knows her stuff!
    You'll have to let me know what you do for yoga.. a dvd? Sarah is going to be doing it.. she has always been very stiff (walks on her tip-toes etc..) anyway, her back hurts now from time to time and it's starting to effect her fine motor. An OT at our school looked at her last week and said DO YOGA and continue horseback riding lessons and this should help! If I can't get her into a class (I have a good friend who may be starting one this summer for kids) then I will need just start doing it at home.
    Have a good weekend and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!
    Love you all!
    -Jenny P.

  2. I just read your post on our blog! (I check yours first!) :) Thanks for the comment.. hey, there are lots of baby devons here for sale!! Want one?! and yes.. that is my dream to have a little barn and TWO horses so we can go together more. Now we have to borrow from a neighbor so we can both go. It sure would be nice. Guess what Eric says about all of this?! :)
