Saturday, April 10, 2010

Grandma G's Easter

Grandma G explained to the kids where to hunt for the over 100 eggs that were hidden in her yard.
Before she could get the words out they were off!
Sam made sure to open every one and threw the empties on the ground. He knows how it's done!
Where are they? Where are they?
Emmy found one.
Jo looks up to something.

Elsie Rae found one way over there!
Em's hair wasn't cooperating.

There was also a separate baby hunt for Margie and Sam. It was hard to get to them all because they were stuffed with baby cheesies and the kids loved them.

1 comment:

  1. what pretty dresses girls! Whoa.. Grandma G had all of those eggs in her yard?? That Easter bunny must have been super busy!! :)
