Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The skating finale

We took the kids skating for one last winter hurrah. They stink!
From left to right - Russell, Georgia, Josie, Me and Emeline. Emmy was brave. She kept telling me she didn't need the balancer and actually was able to walk around without it a few times. Georgia has NO ankle strength and she looks like her legs are going to brake in two all the while. Josie used the balancer but was able to turn it loose and go pretty fast on occasion. She lacked the courage to try it without. Russell wasn't that bad although he did take a few hard tumbles!

Brad's A-plus photography. Anyone interested in hiring him?

I turned on my jets too and Emeline sailed from end to end. I was skating in hockey skates for the first time. The first thing I did was try to use the grippers on my toe (like a figure skate has). I quickly learned, after getting up close and personal with the ice, that hockey skates have no little toe grippers!

Emmy loved it!

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